Elven Magic: Book 1,2, 3 Read online

Page 5

  The first item Fae presents is one of the three coins the elemental gave her. The coin spins around on the palm of Lynn’s hand and it slowly turns to sand then the sand spins around into a ball of sand and starts to form a new item.

  The item forms a piece of paper, but it’s not the paper that may prove useful but what is on it, it’s a treasure map which maps out the journey to the portal and all of the obstacles along the way.

  Tobias’s face lights up and a smile from ear to ear appears on his face.

  “What are we waiting for let’s go, I can’t wait to find whatever is hidden in that cave on the map” said Tobias.

  “We probably need to avoid anything on this map and just stick to the path to the portal, Tobias you must understand even I am not fully aware of the dangers and this clearly has a symbol on that path to a Wyvern which is mostly similar to a dragon and are extremely dangerous.”

  Tobias’s face slumps to an all time low.

  Fae hands Lynn the next coin, the same thing happens identically except that the final resulting item is this time, a tome and ward that may be useful against the trolls Fae thinks, although she is not sure how to use it or the effect it may have.

  The Third and final coin turns into a small but very useless looking finger nail that looked shrivelled and smelt a little odd.

  “That was a little bit of a fizzer, sorry about that, sorry to disappoint you.”

  Fae smiles and takes the nail and puts it into her pocket saying nothing at all.

  Fae waits until Lynn sits and loses interest.

  Let’s just say that Fae has a better understanding of the things she has received now.

  Fae pulls out the tome again and opens it and puts the nail into it, it starts to glow slightly after she closed it back up, Fae then puts it safely back in her pocket.

  “Do you know what to do with that tome now?” said Kris.

  “Yes, I think so.” Said Fae.

  “I will need to find a moonwell and charge it with enough power for it to destroy the trolls mapped out on this map.” Said Fae Quivering.

  Fae points to the moonwell mapped out on the map that Lynn transmuted and showed the others where they need to go next.

  The Party all make their way to the moonwell and it is exactly where it was on the map, the moonwell was back a little on the path leading into the totem clearing and up to the left.

  The group all sit down while Fae with Lynn overlooking puts the Tome into the liquid which makes a strange fuzzing noise and smells like flowers after reaching in and pulling it back out after it is charged with the power from the moonwell.

  After the tome is fully charged they all leave the small pond looking creation that glowed in the moonlight and reminded everyone in the group of Christmas and Jesus in the manger with all of the Christmas lights and decorations, there was also a lantern and little carvings in each corner of the moonwell.

  The party found it difficult to make their way to the moonwell and back because it was vital not to walk on the path to alert the imperial guards in the darkness of night, which may or may not be in Ellen’s Tower by now.

  But they did make it back to the moonwell without drawing any attention to themselves.

  The group talk all night around a camp fire which is needed because an air elemental doesn’t provide and heat and the fire elementals were only at the previous totem and then when they left they went their separate ways.

  Lynn even joined in the conversation being one of the oldest elementals on Imparla she was pretty outgoing for her age where as the other elementals are more childish and didn’t speak at her level and there were no kids in the party so they didn’t have much in common.

  Fae then sat down and decided to tell a story of Elven Origins that was told to her many years ago by Ellen and she explained about Cleopatra over two thousand years ago just before she was born.

  Elven Magic


  I will now take you back to the past in the time of Cleopatra to uncover the secret within the door, deep in the Mountain in the forest near the Elven capital city Shaan.

  The elves now at the door after a long journey back through the crypts now know how to open the extremely complicated lock on the door.

  The door opens leaving the musty damp smells of the crypts behind to enter what seemed like another dimension, a large garden with an open skylight room with no other way in or out this room seemed closer to Earth really then elven lands being just around a few dark doorways from the portal.

  Mindy now quickly scuttles away back through the door into the musty crypts.

  “Don’t worry about her, she has passed her usefulness now, Let her go.” Said Cleopatra.

  Cleopatra and her group decided to follow the walls and go right round the room to see how big it is.

  They found their way back to the door just before the sun left went down leaving complete darkness for a while and the need for lanterns until the moon entered the skylight filling the room again with some light.

  They started out in the morning so the room was massive to have taken the whole day to navigate.

  The only thing that was different is that when they circled the plantation deep in the mountain they returned to the door only to find that is was shut closed and they now needed to find a way out after finding more treasure than anyone could possibly imagine but with no way back through the magical door back to Earth through the portal.

  The question was what or who closed the door?

  “Cleopatra we must find our way to the centre of this plantation and find out if there’s a way out of it there.” Said Kanefer.

  “There must be another way out of here, Kanefer.” Said Cleopatra.

  Cleopatra and her party all make their way to the centre of the plantation and find only death along the way; one by one the little goblin’s pluck them from the track and kill them with little poisonous darts.

  Elven Magic


  I will now take you to the future where Fae is taking everyone in the group to the portals of Imparla to go through them to Elven Lands near Shaan.

  Fae and Kris’s Party all on their way now to the portals and they come across two more Trolls and Fae throws the tome at them that she prepared earlier and they both fall lifelessly on the ground. The tome somehow knows who the enemy is and kills them, possibly because of the Trolls fingernail she put in the tome it knows, Fae now knows it is a Death Tome and quickly puts it back in her backpack.

  “I’m glad you have that backpack and supplies because we were ambushed before entering the lost city in Egypt through the desert oasis.” Said Kris to Fae.

  “We need weapons and the backpack will not help us much, I am really relying on seeing a trader on the road to the portal.” Said Fae.

  Fae looks through the trolls belongings and takes what she thinks could help on the remainder of their journey.

  The party comes to a trader and his cart on the side of the path to the portals and Fae approaches him and offers her belongings for trade.

  “Hello, trader.” Said Fae.

  “My name is Minton and I trade all sorts of things from the great city of Shaan.”

  Minton looked very well dressed in purple silks and a hat, a strange but very unusual hat on his head that looked like a silk beanie and he smelt like herbs.

  “Where were you going to trade at?” said Fae.

  “I am on my way to a small village community on Imparla then I will make my way to Earth which very few traders know the way to, there is a lot of gold to be made in Alexandria although I mainly keep to myself and don’t stay there long.” Said Minton.

  “This village, are they human or elf?” said Fae.

  “They are all a mixture of the two that wandered away, mostly they are without any family to begin with, but they eventually settled here and made their own.” Said Minton.

  “Can you mark where this village is on my map, please.” Said Fae to Minton.<
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  Minton quickly snaps up the map and marks it with his pen.

  “I need weapons trader, do you have any?” said Fae.

  “Yes I have these guns.” Said Minton.

  “The question is what do you have to trade?” said Minton

  “I have this green emerald.”

  “Oh my, that’s a sight for sore eyes. I will defiantly take that in exchange for all the weapons, clothes and food that I have.”

  “How do you get them out of Shaan they are banned by the government there?” Said Fae.

  “Oh, let’s just say I pick them up on the way.” Said Minton.

  Minton gathers the guns from the cart and gives them to Kris’s Party who were left weapon-less when they were ambushed, although they were all adept in using, firing and maintaining guns.

  They all continue on their journey to the portals and eventually someone does walk on the path again and this time they were not so lucky, Ellen obviously was back in the Tower waiting for one false move surrounded by guards from the capital city Shaan.

  Ellen opens a portal and walks out of the portal with the guards on either side and walks over to Fae and Kris as I stand back and watch from a distance behind the group of now well armed men.

  Fae knows she has the upper hand now that every man in the group has a gun.

  No Immortal wants to have the opportunity to be killed and die which is why guns are all banned in the city Shaan.

  “You know that weapons are illegal and outlawed by the government?” said the Guard.

  “Yes, but the question is what can you do about it here?” said Fae.

  Ellen knows the guards must now retreat and she too along with them, they all walk back through the portal to the Tower.

  Now that Ellen has returned to the Tower in Elven Lands with the guards she is very angry and immediately smashes the glass arches of the glass sculpture which because it is bound to the planet Imparla the arches there too smash to pieces and hit some of Kris’s party immediately killing them due to the massive cement that explodes on top of them.

  We all kept on the path now that they know of our presence on Imparla and we were so close to the portals now that it was pointless to fear the guards returning with more weapons.

  Kris’s group all find their way to the portals and enter them and they walk out on the other side near Shaan but they don’t intend to go there but to the crypts instead which Fae has decided to leave them to their own devices there.

  Fae doesn’t fancy being dead and would rather remain immortal.

  On the way they meet an Elder Drow Elf named Mindy who decides to join them now that they are going to ascend into the crypts, Mindy may be able to help with the traps.

  The party all find their way through the traps and then find their way to a Magical Door which Mindy said she has the Dryad branch to open the lock and does so, they all enter the door and walk into the plantation with their weapons ready for any encounters they may find themselves in.

  Suddenly a small goblin moves out from behind a tree and grins and then a dart shoots out at one of the party members and missed, the party member immediately fires his weapon with perfect aim and the goblin drops to the floor, dead.

  As they move along the path they find a few treasures and dead skeletons of past treasure hunters clutching the items.

  “I ran from here when Cleopatra was here many years ago after opening the magical door”, said Mindy.

  “I’m glad you didn’t try and enter the door since, it must have been hard to resist entering for all of those years.” Said Kris.

  “I didn’t live all of these years being naive.” Said Mindy.

  “It’s mostly forbidden to enter the crypts by the government of the day at Shaan and they frown upon entering them, always in every corner of the city, but I have my channels to sell the items I find and I will introduce you to Amen someday.” Said Mindy.

  I was glad Mindy was in the group but by no means as glad as Tobias who now more than ever has a sparkle in his eye after seeing real spoils of the treasure the crypts had to offer.

  Using the guns they overpower the little goblins and kill them all.

  “Obviously guns are the thing they didn’t have back when Cleopatra and her party tried to return to the portals to earth with the ancient artefacts from this ancient city plantation.” I said to Kris.

  “Yes, the darts are fast but these guns are much faster.” Said Kris.

  “We still must bury the dead though and we should camp here once we are sure that the goblins are all dead.” I said to Kris.

  After the party all made a sweep of the plantation they decided that the goblins were all dead now and they set up camp and made a fire.

  I knew now that it would take a few trips to the city Shaan and back to return all of the treasure, we would try and sell some of it in Shaan and then make our way to the small village that the trader showed us and marked on Fae’s map that she has now given to Kris.

  We decided to separate from Mindy here who could quickly return to Shaan and seek out Amen with as much of the treasure as possible to fence in the city.

  Meanwhile we would make our way to the small village on Imparla which we would sell the remainder of the items there at the bazaar that traders from all over Shaan eventually find their way to between Elven Lands and Human Lands.

  Although on Human Lands the traders need to be very secretive of their business there and don’t want to draw too much attention to themselves so that the humans don’t find out about Shaan, Imparla or the portals.

  The Humans on earth, they are all Neanderthals with and if they were to make a panic there’s no telling how the savages would react, but never the less there is still gold to be made there which is easily traded in Shaan and the Village settlement on Imparla.

  Mindy will quickly catch up with us because she knows all of the short cuts and secrets sometimes overgrown paths between Imparla and the city of Shaan.

  Amen is very excited to see Mindy make it back with as much treasure as she could carry. She quickly puts it down in their little room in the sewers and Amen prepares it to take to be fenced.

  “Mindy this will fetch a very modest price and I will immediately prepare the items for sale.” Said Amen.

  “That’s great! I will make my way back to catch up to Kris and her party who are on their way to the Village on Imparla to sell the remainder of the items at the Bazaar.” Said Mindy.

  Elven Magic


  The return journey to the village was easier than it was entering the portal to Shaan.

  In the village there was a chieftain and that family was very set in its ways, the newer entry’s to the bazaar would also be charged a higher amount to sell their wares.

  We were not that disadvantaged by this taxation from the village due to the sheer value of the wares we had to sell.

  Tobias was very eager to arrange the artefacts to sell and was constantly trying to be in the limelight, even though most of the village were refugees, the party Kris brought from Egypt fitted right in and they all had a lot in common.

  Kris knew this would be the perfect place to settle down and research the ties between the elementals and the planet and awaited the return of Fae and Mindy to help with and explain in more detail with regards to the planet Imparla and the way it is bound to the glass sculpture atop the Tower in Elven Lands and the relationship that has started between Elven Lands and Human Lands in our time.

  So were the Elementals of Imparla to be set free on Elven Lands or Human Lands, well it didn’t appear to be on either now, but it does seem to be that they will be released on Imparla someday.

  Kris knows that releasing them will not be that easy and there will be a lot of work to allow this event to transpire.

  Witch Wraith


  Windy Woods

  Like the monopoly man playing with everybody’s sanity looking at them through his spectacle.

  Ellen walke
d over the glass sculpture and can look at those who are frozen and motionless in time through her glass spectacle and they would suddenly be filled with movement and life again until Ellen moved the spectacle away from them again only to return to their frozen state.

  She could do this anywhere on the sculptures path and on Imparla they would go into a frenzy when unfrozen through no fault of Ellen’s and only having themselves to blame for breaching their own sanity barriers.

  Ellen looks at this as her pain and duty as it adds to her stature in the community of elves although she would never say this and only thinks so.

  Time in the Village went by with many markets and an old lady named Sienna who said she was Ellen’s aunty making potions was her craft and she did this week in and week out for the small tight knit community.

  All that remained of the woman where her potions and elixirs in her small quaint little hut with shelves and very little room to move because of it being a cluttered shop on Imparla.

  Mindy speaks of this old elf as though she knows her very well, “She went into the Windy Woods one day and the rumour said she had a very powerful potion to protect her while trying to retrieve the Wyvern’s Talon and when she found it was scouring the forest for food and attacked her while on horseback and as soon as it went in for the killer blow the potion began to work and turned all three of them into wraiths, the horse named Zed, the Witch named Sienna and the Wyvern named Winter.” Said Mindy to the group who were now in Siennas Shop going through her items.

  The story has it that not one of them could stand still in the wind except the horse. Although the Wyvern still being very destructive by nature would still tear you apart if its talon came in contact with you and the wind didn’t come in contact with the Wyvern first and transport it quickly to another part of the forest.