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Elven Magic: Book 1,2, 3 Page 3

  He can hear conversations between the woman and the soldiers and can also hear them talk of weather the way is clear.

  Then Mitchell can see a Mirage in the middle of the desert and many people in a caravan with many camels walking toward this cityscape in the middle of the desert.

  Then what appears to be the woman walk into a cave and she walks through a portal with many bald men surrounding her and they all one by one walk through the misty fog on the ground and then come to the black portal and walk though it and walk down path on the other side, they walk though it to a large room where the room rotates around on what appears to be train tracks and all around the room is a gold trim and many hieroglyphics and still the same dirt and fog on the ground in the room, the woman in a dark black cloak with gold trim much like that of room she stands in, walks into the centre and the others walk in single file and gather around her, she then raises her hands and suddenly the whole room falls under her control.

  Mitchell then hears what sounds like the graveyard coming to life where he can hear the clickety clack of their bones and can see some sort of magic light at their feet connecting them all together. He heard little fragments of the conversations about him and also one pulling rank and one of the undead giving what seems like orders to the others they also speak of what he has found during the day. He gets the feeling there running toward him although he can only hear them in his mind and they never arrive.

  Mitchell can tell from this that this is where the search will take him next. He is not sure if these visions are connected or if they are more than one, maybe he will find out, he eventually goes to sleep.

  The next day Mitchell receives another telegram telling him and his crew that they must all make their way to Iraq because Mitchell and the organisation he works for is unable to locate any information about where the place he has visualised in the section of his vision about Egypt he had the day before actually is and they all get on the next flight out of Germany to Iraq.

  Mitchell and his crew arrive at Iraq in the Middle East. They all find their way to the Asian woman who lives in the house adjoining the church.

  “Hello, Mitchell.” The Asian Woman turns her head while kneeling before a statue of Mary.

  “Make yourself at home we will make our way through the tunnels to where we are keeping the book later.” said Kim.

  Mitchell then finds his way through the various churches and finds his way to the book and retrieves it. He then leaves Iraq as quickly as he entered. The company had arranged it quite well because of the war going on it wasn’t wise for him to stay long.

  When they return back to their base of operations they arrange with the local courthouse to have the spell book kept in their keepsakes store once it is rebound and repaired it is put on display.

  Elven Magic


  The story I am telling is not but a piece of a greater story and by now you may have even formed a piece of it in your imagination of a larger puzzle, insanity if not but a moment in one’s life or for some of us our whole life, unlucky or not…

  Cleopatra found something of great importance and intended to find every piece of the story, when in her life this emerged, is not known.

  We left you with Cleopatra a woman in a black cloak entering a room spinning around in circles with many bald men surrounding her and the morning mist up to their knees, Cleopatra was dressed in a black cloak with what looked like gold trim with a foreign language written on it.

  After the room slowly comes to a halt and stops spinning around the men walk in single file out through the door and down the path to a portal, much the same as before but when they walk out of the portal they walk into a room like nothing else on earth.

  Maybe, just maybe it wasn’t on earth.

  The men wait patiently for their leader, and they do seem to know exactly where they are, almost like they had been there before or studied the place from afar.

  One of the men, a priest, walks up to Cleopatra and starts speaking, he knows a lot more about the place in which they stand then she does and by design to protect her, he only says that which is extremely necessary.

  “Cleopatra we have reached the realm of the dark drow elf and from what I have studied in my time in our great library I now need you to be aware that we are not welcome here and the walls speak volumes to me of that fact.”

  “We must find what I set out to find here my most trusted subject.” Cleopatra says, staring bleakly like a child at the priest.

  “What did those elementals say to you? No wait! Don’t tell me”.

  The room they all stand in looks like something out of a fairy tale with the most detailed carvings on them and words that glow in the dark and take your mind to a trance like state.

  “Priest, I rely on you and your intellect to find what I’m here for and I intend to have them in my hands with very little effort. I don’t care how long we are here for or if you all stay here for ever but I will have the artifacts.”

  The Priests are busy as they both speak looking for a way out of the room with more knowledge then the finest scholars in the world at their disposal not even another world can stop them very quickly finding the way out of that room, or trap as some of the previous visitors found out the hard way.

  The Priests walk out of the room first with the guards and find their way to a small door which is locked by very powerful incantations or magic. The Priests read the walls around the door and explain to Cleopatra that they need to find a branch of a Dryad and return with it to open the door, it must be strong enough to turn in the hole.

  “How will we find that? We must go above ground.” Said Cleopatra to the priest.

  “We must at all costs not face them today Cleopatra. You know what we know of them and what they are capable of, from your father making you study their tomes in the great library all those moons ago.”

  The Priests with many different ancient artefacts at their disposal bring out a dryad branch and turn it in the doors keyhole and the door glows slightly for a few moments and darkness again.

  The men or priests also notice the different colours that the top of the small door turns and are now aware that this could be another riddle for them to figure out after they leave the halls of the underground caverns and search for the dryad in the forest above.

  “Just as I thought, we are going to have to do this the old fashioned way now.” Said Cleopatra anxiously to the priest.

  “I don’t understand how this magic can know it’s an ancient dryad of a different origin.” Said the Priest.

  “No door has ever stopped me and that door will not stop me either.” Said Cleopatra.

  “How smart do you think this magic is? Does it even know we aren’t drow elf?” One priest says to the other.

  “There can’t be that many of them here now, you have read the same things I have in the Great Library, haven’t you?” Said Cleopatra to the Priest.

  “They after all have no concept of time. I on the other hand am in a real hurry.” Said Cleopatra.

  “If there are any still left after the Great War they will lead us straight to the secrets of their spell book and with any luck one of them will help me to read from it and uncover its power.”

  They all walk into a room with many traps and the priests prepared for them after reading about them in their ancient texts in their great library one of them shouts to all stand still that they must disable the traps before proceeding, the room they stand in is extremely old with elvish written all over and a little holes in the small pictures along the skirting boards.

  One of the priests explains that these rooms with pools on the ground in large squares with perfectly rounded corners are meant to fill up with acid if the traps were ever triggered.

  These rooms are what they expect separate the living from the dead. They will not have anyone roaming their ancient walls but if they expect to meet anyone weather friend or foe they most certainly will now.

; Suddenly the first elf Cleopatra has ever seen sneaks up to her and squeals as though just a common girl but by no means was she a common human girl. The dark skinned drow elf looks at Cleopatra as though she has seen a ghost.

  “Where did you come from, how did you get through the traps alive.”

  “Traps are no match for me, I am Cleopatra.”

  “I am Mindy, Please to meet you.”

  “Although I have never seen a human before, but I know what you look like.”

  The Small Drow elf looks at the party of humans before her and because she is one of the most sneaky and worldly elves due to her constant need to hide in the shadows away from the less deceptive eyes of her other fellow elves.

  “Will you take us above ground Mindy?”

  “No, I don’t like the sunlight and I do not want to lose another dagger to the sun again.

  The Drow elf know that whenever a drow crafted weapon hits sunlight the weapon very quickly turns to dust.

  “I’ll take you as far as the machine and you’re on your own.” Said Mindy.

  There’s not many Drow Elf, but Cleopatra knows that this inquisitive little white haired elf could help by just being in their company.

  Many years in the future I will take you back to Kris who is still researching the origins of the spell book and has uncovered a large part of the puzzle in a library in Greece.

  The most important thing to find in the spell book was a way to get to the children now elementals of another world. Kris has deciphered from the spell book a way to get to the children, but it is from an oasis in the middle of the Egyptian desert.

  Kris gets in contact with Mitchell from where she is staying in a small but stylish hotel suite in Athens.

  "The old librarian was very helpful with deciphering the spell book and the place we need to find is in the Egyptian desert."

  "I will get in contact with the government agency at the embassy and prepare for a long perilous journey"

  Mitchell immediately arranges an archaeological search from the information Kris has deciphered from the spell book with the government.

  Mitchell catches the next flight to Cairo to meet up with Kris there and then they make their way out to the desert oasis.

  Elven Magic


  When Kris and Mitchell finally meet up they do so in an old rundown pub called Harry's in Cairo Egypt. After a long day on their flights they both have dinner in the pub and then retire early to prepare for the long day ahead of them tomorrow.

  Kris arranges with a tour to go out to the Oasis because the tours often include the oasis in their itinerary as they are very well known near Cairo and the embassy knows it's one of the oasis’s that's close to Cairo.

  "How can I help you today?" said Tobias to Kris.

  “I need to arrange a slot for my husband’s work crew on one of your tours going out tomorrow to this oasis here on my map.” Said Kris.

  Kris points to the approximate location on her map that she got from the embassy, well Mitchell did actually.

  “I know of this oasis although I’m not aware of anything of archaeological importance there.” Said Tobias.

  “I can arrange the equipment you will need and you can be assured that you will be safe with the others on the tour.” Said Tobias with a sparkle in his eye.

  “His crew is more than capable and should be able to handle themselves if there’s any trouble on the tour, thank you.”

  Kris is unsure about Tobias but she knows she isn't in the position to be choosy and really needs a tour tomorrow to get to the Oasis quickly because the other embassies could and probably will find out what they're doing there.

  Kris knows that even though most of the crew do the right thing and sleep, a few of them however will stay out at the pub the night before they leave and they will surely talk about the reason they are in Cairo.

  Kris and Mitchell have dinner in Harry's Pub and retire early for the journey the next day won't be easy.

  The next day they all meet in one of the entrances to the city and the caravan leaves with them early.

  There are many people in the caravan some of which a Tracker, a few of a ship's crew with skills in navigation. There are also a quite a few traders and quite skilled guards as well.

  Kris worrying the night before was as it turns out unnecessary because the traders and city guards were armed to the hilt, so to speak.

  The crew also can tell that they would be one of the first to separate from the caravan which is because the oasis is closer to Cairo, although not knowing exactly what to expect at the oasis could be the problem they face as the guards won't wait around and will continue on with the caravan.

  Just before the caravan reaches the archaeology crew's destination at the oasis the caravan changes direction and they part ways and little further into their trip a group of Bedouins attack and because they have no guards and only the means to defend themselves they give up quickly.

  The Bedouins take all of their possessions and leave them with only the clothes on their backs and a map and a compass which the crew decide may be ok for getting to the oasis but not for getting back to Cairo.

  Luckily the Bedouins don't know about the oasis and what they are looking for there. Hopefully think they are all food for the scavenging vultures now that they left them with nothing. Except a few shovels, and a look in their eyes as for what their intended to be used for? They even take some of their more valuable clothes as well.

  They we're not far from the oasis and find it quickly without any more trouble, the all search the area and find a cave behind some rock arrangements and some of the men in the crew dig around to make their way down the corroded passage.

  The room they find in the ground below is in really good condition for how old it is and they all find a set of switches that Kris and Mitchell unlock the spiral staircase in the Centre of the room.

  "We must be careful not to disrupt anything down here everyone." Said Kris to the group.

  The Egyptians all nod and begin to descend into the staircase.

  Elven Magic

  Cleopatra's Vision Continued...

  I will now take you back to the time of Cleopatra were she has reached the entrance from Elven forest above the many crypts below, they have spent days to reach this point.

  "Guard's cease her." Said Cleopatra to her guard's.

  The guard's quickly grab Mindy and hold her still suspended in mid-air and walk her outside into the bright sunny forest, even though Mindy is very quick with her dagger it disintegrates into dust and falls through her fingers onto the ground.

  The guard's quickly forget about the elf in all the fuss and amazement of the forest they have just walked into, although they were no more amazed then when they found the Elementals on their world a few moons ago.

  "We must find the dryad; I hope you will still help us find it Mindy." Said Cleopatra.

  Two elves suddenly appear out from behind a tree and attack, they had already killed three guards before they are alerted to their presence. Mindy quickly hides behind one of the bigger guards and Cleopatra does too.

  There are over twenty guards in Cleopatra's party so the elves are outnumbered and taken hostage.

  "I would have attacked but i don't have a dagger." Said Mindy to Cleopatra.

  "Yes little girl, we have the upper hand this time."

  "We must move quickly Cleopatra before the other elves of the city Shaan are alerted to our presence." Said the High Priest Kanefar.

  Mindy now knows that she must help them survive at least until she can get away to the sewers below Shaan where the thieves gather to exchange their fence able items.

  "Cleopatra we must make haste to the nearby city Shaan and meet a spy and trusted assassin there named Ramous who will be hiding in the sewers, he will know more about the location of the Dryad and more importantly he has more knowledge of the crypts than we do." said Kanefer.

  The High Priest Kanefer leads Cleopatra an
d his priest’s to the sewers where they meet Ramous and in the meantime Mindy quickly escapes the guard’s captivity into the darkness of the sewers to find her fellow thieves.

  The main reason Mindy has turned to a life of thievery is because of being singled out or not part of the community of elves because her thieves’ guild are all of Drow decent.

  Cleopatra feels hard done by when Mindy escapes and voices her unhappiness of this fact to the High Priest.

  “We must hunt that little drow girl down in these infernal sewers because she would have more knowledge of the Dryad than anyone on this planet.” Said Cleopatra to Kanefer.

  “You two come here and prepare to separate and find Mindy.” Said Kanefer to two of his guards.

  The Priest’s head off in the opposite direction to the larger group and follow Mindy always a few minutes behind her.

  Mindy’s mind races trying to think of ways to stay out of the clutches of Cleopatra and her group of priest’s.

  Mindy swaps a few gems for a dagger with no ties to the crypts so that this one doesn’t disintegrate.

  Amen says to Mindy she must go straight ahead in the sewer and he will hide in their underground room in the sewer, Amen explains to Mindy that she will eventually get found and he doesn’t want to get caught with her, she agrees.

  Mindy is eventually found and Amen was right to predict they would go straight ahead and find her.

  Elven Magic


  "Cleopatra we found her but before that we heard voices of what we thought was another Elf with Mindy because there were echoes in the sewers."

  "I don't have the time or inclination to find this Drow Elf boy, now we have Mindy let's go to the Dryad." said Cleopatra.