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Elven Magic: Book 1,2, 3

  Elven Magic

  Copyright 2012

  Daniel Chay Book 1, 2, 3 Book 1, 2, 3 Paperback

  Daniels Web Design

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  Three Amigos Landscapes

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents


  Fae the Fairy

  Tinkering in the Elven Forest

  Mitchell’s Visions

  Cleopatra’s Vision

  Desert Oasis

  Cleopatra's Vision Continued

  Thief In Their Mists

  Reaching Imparla

  Deep In The Mountain

  Portal to Elven Lands

  Village Bazaar

  Witch Wraith Of Windy Woods

  The First Crypt

  The Second Crypt

  The Escape


  My story begins with a young boy who went out to make some money on the local street’s washing passing car windows. After some time he befriended an old lady who’s car he regularly washed. One day she invited him back to her house for some tea and she stated bluntly, “I will cast a spell on you,” A little confused he left, time went by and he never really thought much of it. He continued washing her car, what was the old lady’s spell? Well, some people believe in magic and some don’t, some believe it was a transmitter of some kind. The old lady could then harness the power of the boy, to see the future.

  Some time passed and the old lady hung around her house repairing her computer and doing other odd jobs. Only after some time, when she thought he was ready, she activated the transmitter which enabled him to hear every ones thoughts around him. His mind became a receptacle and could pick up on things not even she could have been prepared for, this is how the old lady gained psychic powers. An example of this is his mind and visions of animals and sea creatures enabled him to connect to a vast network of beings, in his imagination. He could communicate with any being on the planet through the transmitter.

  An example of this was a giant octopus. He could visualise it taking swimmers and wrapping its extremely long tentacles around them from the deep waters. This was due to the extremely large cerebral cortex in his own mind, he could hear all manner of things due to this, and well that’s what the old lady told him through the transmitter planted in his earlobe. When the voices he heard got extremely unbearable and kept him awake at night, he saw visions of people playing too many computer games and he even heard a small elf talking to him day in day out, this elf also had contact with him through the vast network of transmitters and even some would just say, Magic.

  As the young boy not completely with it, would have it, is that the elf doesn’t make out with humans in the same way. It was explained to him, they do so with their brains and minds. He even imagines that the Elven girl using incantations and magic to contact him and access the transmitter network, where not only he can hear her but also the witch can hear and speaks to her with much more clarity, telling the witch to arrange meetings with the elves who are not happy with the small elven girl dabbling in magic the elders of the village of elves call private meetings. Without the small Elven children involved to discuss what’s happening.

  The other children harass and tease the Elven girl to no end because of the fact that she is using magic taught by a troublesome old lady to access the young human boys mind. The other children knowing too well that humans are not the same as elves and the elf wishing that she too can make out with a human the same way they do, mentally and only through the mind not having the same bodies and functions this would add to the human witches deception. The young boy never knowing that the Elven girl works differently, only to realise as time goes on, that this was exactly the case.

  The Elven Elders began to realise that with time the young human boy knew that something was going on in his own mind and they arranged a meeting in a small grove, using eleven magic to create a portal to travel between the human and elven worlds. The young boy would constantly begin to be aware of these meetings as a horn would often sound in his mind signalling that the Elven ships were leaving through the magic portal created by the elders. Once they arrived, the elders and the witch would speak of how that troublesome Elven Witch has caused so many problems to their small community because of her misuse of magic. As time went on the young boy only heard some things in his mind because it was so busy.

  One night after the Elven girl found out that the elders knew of her dabbling in magic with the outcast witch in the tower, the girl cast an illusion where she would appear as a rock and hide as objects on a voyage to meet with the human witch. The Elven girl becomes a stowaway in the distant human lands and the young boy can only see transparent visuals of the Elven girl. Meanwhile the Elven girl is hiding in the human witch’s house making sure she doesn’t see her. The young human boy not aware of this, alerts the witch to her presence and gives away her secret and the witch then has leverage over the Elven elders and requests an exchange of real Elven magic that she can use for her troubles and the safe return of the constantly teased Elven girl stowaway.

  The elders then allow the witch to send the Elven boy, who has grown into a man, to retrieve the earthen magic spell book from a place well known in Viking history. When the boy enters this place the spell book, knowing full well, that the witch is trying to retrieve it, sends Vikings and undead to stop the witch from stealing the spell book. Each ancient ruin contains a page from the book in the form of a scroll. The spell book binding must then be retrieved.

  Retrieving the Spell book also has an effect on earth where many zombies and the evil the book contains, brings all kinds of abominations to earth and the young boy, now grown up, must fight these abominations to restore order to the troubled galaxy and go to places to retrieve parts of the lost spell book in the form of scrolls. When the Human Witch blew up casting a spell out of the spell book meant only to be used by Elven Witches. The areas of Earth these scrolls transport to through a magical portal are all made up of all the earthen Elements, Fire, Water, Air, Earth.

  Now that the spell book has been recovered it is put into the man’s wife’s trinket store/book shop and it becomes dormant until the Wife becomes a Witch.

  The cycle continues. A young man comes into the shop and comes across the spell book and opens it and immediately disappears into the book which most people overlooked being in a small corner of the store with many other books.

  Many other children enter the odds and ends shop and are lost within the spell book. Eventually the witch opens the spell book and because of her dabbling in magic and being the rightful person to read from the book as the spell book dictates.

  This Witch doesn’t blow up. She can cast one of the spells from the book and must pick the spell to cast. The spell she chooses dictates that one with great power will unlock the portals to another world far from the Elven worlds and earth as well.

  This World is one of many large elementals and many centuries ago the portals were opened and due to the elementals immense power the early race of people that entered
would misunderstand that they don’t mean to attack these mere mortals and are deeply hurt by the human/Elven peoples demise, because as they attack the elementals they disintegrate without a trace. This only adds to the elementals hurt, by the Human and Elven army’s in the past’s stupidity to attack first and ask questions later, and are destroyed instantly.

  The Witch can now understand that what’s been happening to her is a cruel trick and the books power is not only putting the children into the book as the witch is able to visualise some of the children that entered her keepsakes store, but the spell book made them so powerful that no one can put them out of their deep endless misery. So she now knows she must.

  The only way to reach the children is to unlock the power of the spell book and find a way to communicate with the children, now elementals of another world.

  Now the Witch truly understands from her vision that the children taken by the book are from all ages of the Elven and human worlds as the book has been passed through time to continue in an endless cycle that this Witch must now break and restore balance to the universe once more.

  Will you as the Witch, succeed in Elven Magic as many before her have failed?

  Or will the spell book continue through time trapping children? Will the book find a way back to the Elven Worlds from Earth? Or will the spell be finally broken releasing those trapped and will they be released on Elven Lands or here on earth?

  Elven Magic

  Fae the Fairy

  The Spell book hidden throughout the Earth is not bound by the constraints of time. The spell book’s power is still very much alive even though it is still scattered across the lands. The Spell book’s spell cannot be broken in this state.

  The Story takes us to the Little Elven Girl, now that her cover is blown, who manages to escape the clutches of the evil Witch before she reads from the Elven Spell Book. She then finds her way to the Human Boy and reveals herself to him.

  “Hello, Mitchell.” said Fae.

  Mitchell who has never had an elf in his sights jumps to the floor under the bed and hides.

  Fae Replies, “Don’t be alarmed Mitchell. I am Fae a Fairy Elf.”

  Fae thinks she should appear as a fairy elf rather than her natural form because this could stop him panicking.

  “Fairy’s don’t exist, Fairy’s don’t exist.” Said Mitchell..

  The Witch sits looking in her crystal ball. She knows she can’t do anything about it because she can never reveal herself to the Human Boy Mitchell. Not to mention that she is nowhere near as powerful as the Elf dabbling in magic, even if her power is limited compared to the power of the Elven Witch back in Elven Lands unaware that her little apprentice is abroad on Earthen Lands now.

  “Come out now!” Fae Exclaims.

  “You must be somewhat aware of me, you hear me talking to you don’t you?” Fae Asks.

  “I do hear you, sometimes when I’m feeling ok.” Said Mitchell.

  Fae decides to make everything more real to Mitchell and gives the evil Human Witch away.

  “Will you stay very still and just look. I will cast a spell now.” Said Fae.

  Fae casts a spell and suddenly the middle of the room tears, what looks like a hole in the fabric of space and to the small human boy’s surprise he finally sees the Witch that constantly speaks to him, tormenting him.

  “You look funny.” Mitchell Screams.

  The Elven Girl Fairy named Fae, more mature then Mitchell, now realises what she must do.

  Meanwhile the Elven Witch is in a complete panic now after overhearing all of the commotion and alerts the elders, of Fae being in human lands and they all know this must be fixed immediately. The Elven Elders once again sound the horn and arrange with the Human Witch for the exchange of Elven Magic for Fae the little deceptive Elven Girl now more of a Witch than ever because of what she has done.

  “Do you realise this is the most insane thing that’s ever happened here? That meddling little fairy will break the covenant that governs all Witches on Earth.” The Human Witch speaks to the Elven Witch through her crystal ball. said Leigh.

  “I will not break the covenant of Witches on Earth while I still exist.” Says The Elven Witch back through her Crystal suspended in the middle of the Elven tower.

  The Elven Witch casts a very powerful spell to turn Fae the Fairy Elf into a statuette and Fae freezes instantly.

  “I have stopped Fae for now, you will need to get her somehow from Mitchells house. The rest is up to you.” says the Elven Witch.

  Looking at the statue bleakly Mitchell Said, “I will keep you here in my pocket”.

  Leigh uses the same old trick on Mitchell and gets him to eventually lose interest in the statue as most 12 year old often do loose interest pretty quickly.

  Leigh the Human witch then go to his house late at night and retrieves the statue of Fae.

  Meanwhile Mitchell has a dream of walking through his cupboard into a Church with broken bricks and wood from the pews inside of it, Mitchell walks through the church to see a woman kneeling before Mary praying.

  He then walks out of the Church into what would appear to be autumn day with leaves dropping from the trees.

  Could this mean something or is it indeed just a dream.

  The Elven Elders meet with Leigh the Human Witch in a small grove in the forest nearby and speak of the treachery of the Elven Witch, teaching the Small Elven Girl Fae very powerful illusions and elven magic, forbidden by their council.

  The Elven Elders careful not to reveal too much just give the Human Witch the scroll of magic in return for the Elven Girl Statue.

  “I must fix this before the Covenant finds out,” Leigh exclaims.

  Leigh quickly hurries off to Mitchell’s house and begins to cast the Memory Loss Control Spell from the Scroll of Magic from the Elven Elders.

  Leigh the Human Witch, Explodes into a million pieces.

  The Covenant now aware of what Leigh is up to sends two big guys around to clean up the mess.

  “I can’t believe we have been left with this job.” said Max.

  “I know what a mess she made of herself.” Bob replies.

  Meanwhile Fae is on her way back as a statue for the Elven Witch to decide what to do with her.

  When she returns the Elven Witch immediately breaks the spell returning Fae to her normal form. This Witch doesn’t spend time with idle chit chat and Fae knows that.

  “My you’ve been busy haven’t you.” said Ellen.

  “Well you haven’t achieved anything with this. You just set up Leigh for a fall.” said Ellen.

  “Oh yes I have. I will now have a child that will be half human witch half elven witch.” said Fae.

  “Noooooooo….” Screams Ellen.

  The Elven Witch Ellen Immediately try’s to counteract the spell Leigh and Fae has cast and cannot because she must be on Earthen Lands to do so and because Leigh is now dead she isn’t around to break the spell and everyone knows that it’s easier to break a spell if you are the creator.

  Ellen never really goes outside her tower, even though she is so powerful, is at her wits end with her little elven apprentice. Although she would expect no less from her because of what she has taught her about Magic.

  “The decision is made I will allow this child to happen, but as soon as it is born I will make sure you never lay eyes on it.” Ellen said cruelly.

  Many years pass but not many to the Elves due to their immortality.

  The Elven Witch Ellen must continue to speak to Mitchell through the spell created originally by the Human Witch Leigh, this is a Witches curse to keep him alive she must constantly talk to him through her crystal suspended in the middle of the tower.

  Also Ellen must raise the half human half elven child for Fae because she is not old enough to, a human wouldn’t think so but the Elves are a very fussy race.

  “Soon we must return the child to earth because she is not like us, she is a witch but she is more human than elf and is not immortal.�
� Ellen explains to Fae.

  The Elven Elders once again sound the horn and leave in their massive ships through the magical portal to earth. They leave the girl at the steps of the local courthouse only to be found the next morning and is quickly adopted out to a nice local family by chance on the same street as Mitchell.

  The girl grows up and it isn’t long until she gets a little older and meets Mitchell. They go through school together and eventually get married only to find out that they can’t have children for some reason unknown to them.

  “Mum, is there anything weird about me I don’t know about.” said Kris to her mother.

  “The only thing that comes to mind is when the courthouse judge found you on the steps you were dressed in strange cloth. They never worked out where it came from either.” Kris’s Mother Sharon replies.

  “Oh, ok mum. Thanks for the info.” said Kris.

  Kris finds the cloth and goes to her keepsakes store to study it, hopefully this will reveal some secrets.